Passionate about Botswana's people and wilderness, we continuously strive to ensure our activities have a positive impact and contribute to a sustainable development of our natural wonders.
Having collaborated for 20 years on a daily basis with a variety of organisations in Northern Botswana promoting local development, we have managed to identify the support needed to improve the socio-economic status of the communities and areas where we operate.
We have therefore developed a variety of projects in the fields of business development, education, health, social welfare, and environmental conservation that we conduct within the villages in the vicinity of our camps and safaris.
With the generous support of our guests and industry partners, we are also able to donate to NGOs and communities on a regular basis.
Contact our Foundation Coordinator on
We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travelers like you to make a lasting impact in the community at your travel destination. If you save just a few kilos of space in your suitcase and take supplies for area schools or medical clinics in need, you'll make a priceless impact in the lives of our local children and families. Please click here to see what supplies are needed for our project/projects
Passionate about Botswana's people and wilderness